Since we discovered last time that
LCD Center is the daddy of LCD apps, lets have a look at the 204 in this field.

Looks pretty neat huh? You get two screens of 20x2 data on the 20x4, so here, CPU and memory screens are combined. I have to admit, to mind mind anyways, it looks a bit more pro on this one - the larger display just looks bigger and better than the smaller one.

My only complaint about LCD Center is that, sometimes the formatting could be a bit better, as is the case here. In high light conditions, the white backlight isn't particularly noticable, as you can see. It just looks like really nice bloo text :)

A lower light condition, mounted in the case. Doesn't it just look scrummy? The *gasp* factor is certainly there, and, let's face it, isn't that we're in modding for??!

Ack, my 3v is way off :p Notice how the unit stays together even when yanked off the side of the case and left with no screws in the corners! Magic, obviously.

Win2k stability, been on since I got up! I think you'll agree that the display passes this little test with flying bloo-on-white colours!

Just to show you the versatility of LCD Center, let me show you a couple of screens I prepared my self. Firstly, Custom naming...

Secondly, some custom temp readouts. Nice eh?
Combining this display with LCD Center certainly produces some nice results, and if that's all you want to do with the display, you won't be dissapointed. However, for the real piece de resistance of this lovely bit of hardware, turn the page.
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